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产品名称: 江门蓬江DHL国际快递公司

产品型号: 蓬江DHL快递


江门蓬江DHL国际快递公司工作日时间:09:00-18:30(星期六 13:00-18:30)

  德国邮政敦豪集团旗下空运和海运专家 DHL Global Forwarding 宣布扩建其位于德克萨斯州埃尔帕索的设施,现在提供空运、海运、外贸区 (FTZ) 和跨境服务。

  “由于其战略位置,这个位置对我们来说至关重要。这是我们南部边境地区的关键支柱,我们现在正在向边境两侧的广大客户群提供全方位的货运代理能力,”DHL 全球货运南部地区 RVP 亚历杭德罗·帕拉西奥斯 (Alejandro Palacios) 说。“我们的目标是加强我们在过去几年所做的工作,即提高我们客户在该地区发展自己业务的能力,特别关注技术、汽车、制造和航空航天等关键行业。”

  DHL Global Forwarding 通过增加 50% 的额外办公空间和全新的现代改造开放式平面图开始装修,以加强团队互动。除了现有的 105 个工作空间外,该建筑现在还容纳了 70 个额外的工作空间。

  DHL Global Forwarding 美国执行官大卫戈德伯格说:“这个新装修的扩建设施现在为我们的团队和客户提供了更大的协同作用空间。” “作为美墨边境的战略要地,我们拥有一支训练有素的团队,他们在广泛的行业拥有知识,为进出美国的跨境贸易提供定制的解决方案”


  DHL Global Forwarding El Paso 工厂的车站经理 Sergio Esparza 表示:“我们对持续投资的承诺,不仅是对我们的设施,而且是对我们社区的持续投资,这非常重要。” “通过吸引新业务和帮助现有公司发展,该地区继续经历积极的经济增长,我们很自豪能成为这种增长的一部分。”

  DHL Global Forwarding, the air and ocean freight specialist of Deutsche Post DHL Group, announced the expansion of its facility in El Paso, Texas, now offering Air Freight, Ocean Freight, Foreign Trade Zone (FTZ), and cross-border services.

  “This location is of key importance to us because of its strategic location. This is a key pillar for our Southern Border region where we are now offering our full range of Freight Forwarding capabilities to a broad base of customers at both sides of the border,” said Alejandro Palacios, RVP of the South region for DHL Global Forwarding. “Our goal is to reinforce what we have been doing in the last years, which is to enhance our customers’ ability to foster their own business in the area, with a special focus on key industries including technology, automotive, manufacturing and aerospace.”

  DHL Global Forwarding began the renovations by adding 50 percent additional office space with a new modern remodeled open floor plan for greater team interactions. The building also now houses 70 additional work spaces in addition to the 105 already in existence.

  “This newly renovated expanded facility now offers a space for greater synergies for our teams and customers,” said David Goldberg, U.S. CEO for DHL Global Forwarding. “Serving as a strategic location along the US-Mexico border, we have a highly trained group of individuals who have expertise in a wide range of industries offering customized solutions for cross-border trade in and out of the U.S.”

  The Southern region represents one of the largest manufacturing centers in North America, and it is largely due to El Paso’s unique bi-cultural and bilingual workforce. According to the City of El Paso, the city stands out for being the largest metro area along the Texas-Mexico border and the sixth-largest city in Texas.

  “Our commitment to continued investments, not only in our facility, but in our community is extremely important,” said Sergio Esparza, Station Manager at the DHL Global Forwarding El Paso facility. “This area continues to experience positive economic growth by attracting new businesses and helping existing companies grow, and we are proud to be part of that growth.”

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