产品名称: 中山港三角DHL国际快递公司
产品型号: 中山港三角DHL快递电话
DHL Supply Chain 是美洲合同物流领域的,隶属于 Deutsche Post DHL Group,该公司正通过招聘更多员工并利用其在技术和基础设施方面的投资来支持客户,为 2020 年第四季度的预期需求激增做准备。这家第三方物流供应商今天宣布,它将在 2020 年底之前雇佣 7,000 名员工,以满足假日购物旺季和应对 COVID-19 大流行所推动的需求。
DHL Supply Chain North 执行官 Scott Sureddin 表示:“合同物流供应商的‘旺季’通常发生在夏末,主要是受到零售库存激增的推动,近年来零售库存越来越多地转向在线渠道。美国。“今年,随着向电子商务的加速转变,非零售行业可能会看到被压抑的需求复苏,消费品、生命科学和医疗保健公司继续提高其生产能力,我们的许多客户都面临着他们有史以来最不可预测的第四节。DHL Supply Chain 的投资旨在为他们提供调整供应链以满足消费者需求所需的运营确定性和灵活性。这一切都是为了提供一个“所有业务”的环境。无界限”为我们的客户。我们的员工站在这一承诺的最前沿。凭借 7,000 名额外员工,我们正在提前进行投资,以应对强劲的高峰期,同时也为我们在 2020 年不知疲倦地工作的现有员工队伍提供受欢迎的支持。”
DHL Supply Chain 已宣布在 2020 年对技术和基础设施进行多项投资,特别针对零售、生命科学和医疗保健行业。今年 3 月,它承诺在年底前将其 LocusBot 协作机器人车队扩大到 1,000 台,以提高生产力和吞吐量,主要是在其零售、生命科学和医疗保健业务中。6 月,DHL Supply Chain 宣布在其生命科学和医疗保健网络投资 6,000 万美元,其基础是 2019 年对该行业的 1.5 亿美元投资。该公司今年还设立了专门的电子商务部门,以加强其运营和商业重点放在这个快速增长的细分市场上,并为正在构建新的在线和全渠道产品的客户提供支持。
COVID-19 大流行在导致所有行业客户的数量动态和渠道发生巨大转变的同时,也为今年的旺季增加了一层新的运营复杂性。DHL Supply Chain 被迫在其设施内进行多项调整,以保持适当的社交距离,以确保增加的员工数量安全。在公司的许多运营中使用协作机器人和加速数字化将有助于确保即使在更高的产量下也遵守安全协议。DHL Supply Chain 在北美的运营和工程团队也已采取措施重新设计现有的基础设施和流程,并建立额外的能力来应对即将到来的高峰。
DHL Supply Chain, the Americas leader in contract logistics and part of Deutsche Post DHL Group, is preparing for an anticipated surge in demand in the fourth quarter of 2020 by hiring additional workers and leveraging its investments in technology and infrastructure to support customers. The third party logistics provider today announced that it will hire 7,000 associates through the end of 2020 to meet demand fueled both by the peak holiday shopping season and the response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
“’Peak season’ for contract logistics providers typically takes place in the late summer months and is driven principally by a surge in retail inventory, which has increasingly moved to online channels in recent years,” said Scott Sureddin, CEO, DHL Supply Chain North America. “This year, with an accelerated shift toward e-commerce, non-retail industries potentially seeing a resurgence in pent-up demand, and consumer goods and life sciences and healthcare companies continuing to ramp up their production capabilities, many of our customers are facing their most unpredictable fourth quarter ever. DHL Supply Chain’s investments are aimed at providing them with both the operational certainty and the flexibility that they will need to adjust their supply chains to meet consumer demand. It is all about providing an environment of “All Business. No Boundaries” for our customers. Our people are at the forefront of that commitment. With 7,000 additional associates, we are making investments ahead of the curve in anticipation of a strong peak, and also providing welcome support to our existing workforce, which has worked so tirelessly throughout 2020.”
DHL Supply Chain has announced a number of investments in technology and infrastructure in 2020 that are targeted in particular at the retail and life sciences and healthcare industries. In March, it committed to expand its fleet of LocusBot collaborative robots to 1,000 by the end of the year in order to boost productivity and throughput, primarily in its retail and life sciences and healthcare operations. In June, DHL Supply Chain announced an investment of USD 60 million in its life sciences and healthcare network, building on a USD 150 million investment that it committed to the sector in 2019 The company also established a dedicated E-Commerce sector this year to strengthen its operational and commercial focus on this fast-growing segment and to support customers who are building out new online and omnichannel offerings.
While contributing to a massive shift in volume dynamics and channels to customers across all industries, the COVID-19 pandemic has also added a new layer of operational complexity to this year’s peak season. DHL Supply Chain has been forced to make a number of adjustments within its facilities to allow for the proper social distancing to keep the increased number of associates safe. The use of collaborative robots and accelerated digitalization in many of the company’s operations will help to ensure that safety protocols are followed even with higher volumes. DHL Supply Chain’s Operations and Engineering teams in North America have also taken steps to redesign existing infrastructure and processes and to build out additional capacity to handle the upcoming peak.
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