产品名称: 东莞市清溪镇DHL国际快递
产品型号: 清溪镇DHL国际快递
全球的物流供应商 DHL 的 100 多名南佛罗里达员工及其家人在迈阿密戴德县海厄利亚市的 Norman and Jean Reach 公园种植了 40 棵树,作为作为公司到 2050 年实现运输相关零排放的宏伟目标的一部分,公司每年在全球种植 100 万棵树。来自 DHL Global Forwarding、DHL Express 和 DHL eCommerce 以及德国邮政 DHL 的所有部门的员工集团及家人参与植树及垃圾清理活动,回馈社会,为改善环境作出自己的贡献。在活动中种植了南佛罗里达州的三种本土树木:秋葵林波、天堂和莱西洛玛,
DHL Global 执行官 David Goldberg 表示:“2008 年,我们成为物流行业中个制定气候保护目标的全球参与者,现在我们制定了到 2050 年将所有与运输相关的净排放量减少到零的宏伟目标。 Forwarding,美国 “通过在我们工作所在的社区植树,我们不仅为我们的全球目标做出了贡献,还通过为我们的人民提供更清洁的空气和美丽的生活和工作环境来产生影响。”
DHL 与Million Trees Miami 合作,这是一个由迈阿密戴德社区形象顾问委员会开发的社区范围的活动。迈阿密百万树活动的目标是到 2020 年种植 100 万棵树,以实现迈阿密戴德县 30% 的树冠覆盖率。这是 DHL 第二次与 Million Trees Miami 合作,这两个组织去年 12 月合作种植了 100 棵树。
“作为的国际快递服务提供商,DHL 做出了保护地球的长期承诺,我们每天都在运送客户的货物,”美国 DHL 快递执行官 Greg Hewitt 说。负责任的方式帮助我们在世界各地服务的社区,包括南佛罗里达州的社区。”
Norman and Jean Reach Park 之所以被选中,是因为它拥有广泛的活动以及吸引了大量年轻人和家庭。现在种植的树木为当地居民的人行道和长凳提供了遮荫。该倡议是德国邮政敦豪集团自己的环保计划 GoGreen 的一部分,其中包括可持续解决方案,例如气候中和产品、碳报告和绿色优化,以帮助客户减少排放和浪费。此前的气候目标——将碳效率比 2007 年基线提高 30%——在 2016 年提前四年实现,这要归功于集团采取多种措施优化车队、建筑和物流网络。到 2050 年实现零排放物流的新目标适用于公司自身及其运输分包商的活动。2018 年,德国邮政敦豪集团庆祝 GoGreen 计划成立 10 周年。
植树活动也是 DHL 于 2008 年发起的全球志愿者日活动的一部分。作为其企业公民活动的一个组成部分,全球志愿者日是整个集团员工志愿者工作的主要推动力,并支持其可持续发展战略为公司及其利益相关者的经济利益服务,同时在这些利益与社会和环境需求之间取得平衡。
“这些全公司范围的举措鼓励员工志愿服务和协作,这有助于我们在全球范围内实现更大的可持续性和更可持续的未来,”DHL 电子商务美洲执行官 Lee Spratt 说。“作为一个集团,我们为自己没有将全球志愿者日限制在一天或一个项目中而感到自豪,而是鼓励我们的员工将每一天视为参与当地社区并产生有意义影响的机会。”
More than 100 South Florida-based employees of DHL, the world′s leading logistics provider, and their family members planted 40 trees at the Norman and Jean Reach Park in the City of Hialeah in Miami-Dade County this past weekend, as part of the company’s mandate to plant 1 million trees annually around the world as part of the company’s ambitious goal to achieve net zero transport-related emissions by the year 2050. Employees from DHL Global Forwarding, DHL Express and DHL eCommerce, all divisions of Deutsche Post DHL Group, and their families participated in the tree planting and litter clean-up activities to give back to the community and make their own contribution to improve the environment. Three types of native trees to South Florida were planted: Gumbo Limbo, Paradise and Lysiloma at the event, which continued to raise awareness about the importance of forest conservation.
“In 2008, we became the first global player in the logistics industry to establish a climate protection target and now we have set the ambitious goal of reducing all net transport-related emissions to zero by 2050,” said David Goldberg, CEO for DHL Global Forwarding, U.S. “By planting trees in the communities in which we work, we are contributing not only to our global goal but also making an impact by providing cleaner air and a beautiful environment for our people to live and work.”
DHL partnered with Million Trees Miami, a community-wide campaign developed by the Miami-Dade Community Image Advisory Board. The goal of the Million Trees Miami campaign is to plant 1 million trees by 2020 to achieve a 30 percent tree canopy cover for Miami-Dade County. This is the second time that DHL works with Million Trees Miami, the two organizations having worked together to plant 100 trees last December.
“As the world’s leading international express services provider, DHL has made a long-term commitment to protect the globe that we carry our customers’ shipments around every day,” said Greg Hewitt, CEO for DHL Express, U.S. “Planting trees in an environmentally responsible way helps the communities we serve around the world, including those in South Florida.”
The Norman and Jean Reach Park was chosen because of its extensive recreational activities and the number of young people and families it attracts. The trees planted now provide shade for walkways and benches for local residents. The initiative is part of Deutsche Post DHL Group’s own environmental protection program GoGreen, which includes sustainable solutions, such as climate neutral products, carbon reports and green optimization to help customers reduce emissions and waste. The previous climate target – to improve carbon efficiency by 30 percent over a 2007 baseline – was achieved in 2016, four years ahead of schedule, thanks to a diverse range of measures to optimize the Group’s vehicle fleet, buildings and logistics networks. The new target – to provide zero emissions logistics by 2050 - applies to the company’s own activities and to those of its transport subcontractors. In 2018, Deutsche Post DHL Group celebrates the GoGreen program’s 10-year anniversary.
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